An SEOT specializes at addressing how a person's mental health impacts their ability to work and in connecting people to various healthcare and employment supports. Other professionals specialize in mental health or employment, but not both. We found that adding an OT to existing mental health and employment services team creates significant social value for clients, their families, and the broader employment and healthcare systems.
An OT can fill gaps in both health and employment services.
The SEOT role can bring considerable value within just a few visits. Models where the SEOT provides more visits or follow-up will likely produce more total social value but a lower SROI ratio.
Funders looking to help the most vulnerable or looking to improve equity should be comfortable doing so despite the different SROI ratios estimated in this report. Funders looking to enhance equity, should be willing to invest more to create social value for such groups.
Based on the SROI ratios, we would describe the SEOT as having medium to high impact, which qualifies the role as a Promising Practice. The model should be further scaled to within and beyond Hamilton.
If you are interested in learning more, contact us for the full report.